Tuesday, August 31, 2010
kanon vodka / grand life / hamptons party
this weekend i was invited to the KanonVodka / GrandLife party in the hamptons.
there was an intimate show by the band TheRapture- they sound amazing live!
many delicious mixed drinks + super fab guests made for an awesome night ♥
check out ALL my photographs of the event over on Kanon's BLOG.
Monday, August 30, 2010
beautiful stranger
Winter Kate Kimono Jackets
So ready for a season change and to dive into these lush rich colors. These bohemian Kimono inspired jackets by Nicole Richie's Winter Kate line are so stylish and can be paired with so many things!
Pumpkin Spice Cappucino Muffin
Ok, I have had pumpkin muffins before and I like them, but the pumpkin flavor was always very strong. I found a pumpkin spice cappucino mix in one of the little shops over in Lancaster, PA and decided to try it out. Being the innovator that I am :) I decided to use this mix in combination with a homemade vanilla cake mix, rather than use it as a cappucino drink mix (which is what it was meant for). The result, in a word, was DELICIOUS. The pumpkin flavor was just so soft. You could taste the pumpkin, yet it did not overpower the cupcake.
Mind you, I only made these as an experiment. What a great experiment they ended up being. They were just meant for taste trials by my close family and friends, and everyone ended up loving them! Since they were not meant for show, I decided to make them using a new ice cream cone shaped pan that I had yet to use... that explains their funny shape LOL... just trying to kill two birds with one stone. I am definitely going to use this flavor in an autumn event... stay tuned.
Mind you, I only made these as an experiment. What a great experiment they ended up being. They were just meant for taste trials by my close family and friends, and everyone ended up loving them! Since they were not meant for show, I decided to make them using a new ice cream cone shaped pan that I had yet to use... that explains their funny shape LOL... just trying to kill two birds with one stone. I am definitely going to use this flavor in an autumn event... stay tuned.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
warm up
Friday, August 27, 2010
Button Flower Ode to Delta Phi Epsilon
To practice the button flowers I learned to make in the Wilton class, I decided to make a mock cake. I chose to decorate a cube of styrofoam. I didn't make an actual cake because I really just wanted to practice decor. I was going to frost the cube or cover the whole thing in smooth white fondant, but I guess I was being cheap this week and didn't want to waste my materials. LOL. Plus, I figured that the cube of styrofoam as it was looked the same as if I had frosted it and then added a layer of clear sugar crystals.
Anyway, I chose the royal purple and golden yellow colors because they reminded me of my sorority colors (D Phi E... yea my fellow deephers, I know our flower is the Iris, but I haven't learned the Iris flower yet so the button flower will have to do LOL). I also mixed some of the purple and yellow with white fondant to end up with a marble effect of lavendar and pale yellow. To finish up the look, I piped on some green stems, leaves and grass. Overall, I thought it came out pretty cute :)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
delight my eyes
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I Was Featured In Nonpareil Magazine!
A few months ago, I had been asked by Save the Date for Cupcakes to assist on a dessert table magazine spread. She came up with the ideas and concept and I helped put it all together. It was A LOT of work. As per her request, I baked several banana and vanilla cupcakes... YUM. If you go to the magazine's website Nonpareil Magazine, you can read all about it... even though they forgot to put in my blog info! Grrr.... At least my name and photo are there :) If you have any questions about the execution and the process, please feel free to contact me. What an exciting step this was!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
snow white
via fashion hedonism
the chill in the air right now in nyc makes me so happy!
this pic just seemed so appropriate ♥
Sunday, August 22, 2010
My Weekend in Lancaster, P.A.
I spent this past weekend with my family in Pennsylvania. We stood at the Historic Strasburg Inn... it was alright. The best parts of the trip were just driving around to the different little towns, Amish villages and visiting the shops/restaurants. It was really relaxing just to get away from the stressful craziness of my day to day New York life.
Anyhow, before we headed back home we decided to stop at a little creamery. It was so cute! Like an old ice cream shoppe. I ordered the Brownie Sundae (almost $7, but well worth it). It had a huge warm brownie on the bottom, a large scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of the brownie, hot fudge, whipped cream and a cherry on top. Delicious! My sister had a Banana Split, which she devoured in a heartbeat! (Oh, and I took some banana slices from my sister's banana split to add to my sundae... omg that was such a great idea! YUM!)
Brownie Sundae |
Banana Split |
To be taken to the creamery's offical website, click: CREAMERY
Bald look and no no no's
Nii siin postituses pole mul teile näidata ühtegi riideeset vaid näitan teile oma soengut ja paari vidinat oma ehete kogust...jah noh mu rinnahoidjaid on kaa nati näha millega ma tahaks tegelt öelda, et push up brad on minu jaoks suht out.. kuigi vahel jah kannan neid siiski, sest mõni riideese vajab suremat rinda, et seljas hästi istuks. Tundub mõnele vb tobe aga mina ülistan täiega loomulikke rindu . Lihtsalt minu jaoks tundub ilma silikoonita ja push upita rind kõrgmoelikum ja elegantsem, sest väga hullult üles lükatud ja polsterdatud rinnad on kuidagi odavad? Ja ma ei räägi siin praegu looduse poolt antud kumerustest. Kellel on soovin õnne oled võitnud geeni-lotoga peavõidu, kellel mitte siis ma ei leia põhjust põdemiseks mina vajutan su tissidele ''Like'' nppu(Y). Minu jaoks on seksikus midagi, mis tuleb seest poolt ning peale vaadates ei kisa'' Olen oma arust seksikas, võta mind'' Üldse olen tänavapildis tähelepannud väga kohutavaid asju. Mina ise olen loobunud kunstküüntest ja taevani pikkadest ning paksudest kunstripsmetest. Neil kummagil pole tegelikult midagi viga, kui need pole ebaloomulikud või neid ripsmeid kanda mõnel peol kusagil eriüritusel aga igapäev ringi kõndida nendega ei ei ei. Jah ma ise kannan kunstripsmeid aga need on sellised loomulikumad,hõredamad ja lühemad. Maksavad kaubamajas 79.- ja firma on Kiss. Ma tean täpselt, mis seal väikeses peakeses toimub kui need asjandused endale külge lükatakse. Mõned kuud tagasi olin ma samasugune kuni mu kooliõde Crislyn mu üles raputas. See oli väga armas temast. Selle pärast ma värvisin ka oma juuksed loomulikku tooni tagasi. Sama asi liigse seksikusega muudes asjades. Kui ma kannan miniseelikut siis see peab olema kõrgevärvliga. Absoluutselt jälestan lühikesi madala värvliga teksaseelikuid. Kõrged seelikud ei näe odavad välja. Ka ei kannata ma lateks pükse igasuguste naomi toppidega ja kiviksestega kaetud pluuside all. Ja neiud kui te kannate neid külgede pealt katkilõigatud musti retuuse siis palun ärge pange sinna peale mingit õudsat toppi ja sätendavaid kingi sinna alla. Neid saab ka väga stiilselt välja kanda ilma, et tekiks hooker look Ja nüüd mil jälle hakkab külmaks minema ilmuvad tänavale kindlasti jällegi mante+toss esindajad. Või siis sportlik vaba aja jope või veel hullem lauajope ja sabas. Miks mitte panna mantel+saabas ja toss+jope?Oleks nagu veitsa parem või mis? Ja kindel no no no on suured feik cucci või D&B prille igast kivikeste ja kullaga üle kaetud. Pm neid leiab juba igast supermarketist. Veel võltsis rääkides mul pole midagi solaariumi vastu. Käin seal ise ka aeg ajalt. Kui sul on tumedad juuksed siis võid olla kõvasti pruunim kui blondide juustega. Just paar nädalat tagasi nägin ühte neidu tuttava pool kes oli lumivalgete juustega ja näost täisesti oranž. Tuleb piiri pidada selliste ajsadega. Sama on meigiga. Kui lähed päikesepuudrit ostma siis vali toon mis on pigem nati hallikas kui oranž kuna näkku pannnes jääb viimane väga võlts. Ise kasutan Make Up Facktory oma. Juba sain kommentaari mu enda näo jume kohta. Ma väga vabandan aaaga ma olen ikka suht sitt fototöötluses ja mulle hirmsasti meeldib üks nupp mis teeb varjud teravamaks...noo ja ma ikka näpin seda nuppu päris tihti ja sellega tekivad näkku laigud. Sorri ma tegelt nii laiguline päris pole....ma arvan...ma loodan:D Aga jah mul on endal muidu väga hea näonahk aga suvel..oi jumal ..kõigil teistel kaovad punnid ära ...aga ei minul kolivad näku tagasi. Nii, et ma saan talvel käia ilma maigita aga suvel pean punne peitma. Jah need tekivad siis ka kui ma ei meigi.... Jah mul on endal siiamaani kunstripsmed kuid mitte metsikud nuustikud, juuksepikendused ja ma kannan läätsesid. Mu enda silmad on helesinised aga ütleme nii, et kuna mu enda näojooned on nii pehmed siis tumedad läätsed annavad mulle 1 ''dominantse geeni'' juurde ja muudavad mu näo natukene tugevamaks? Okei nüüd olen ma vist praeguseks kõik hingelt ära rääkinud. Asume muude asjade kallale. Soeng väga lihtne klambritega kinnitatud ühelt poolt, et jääks selline bald välimus. Pildil pidin juukseid töötlema kuna kui ma kiiruga need klambrid paika panin siis pikenduste kinnitus kohad jäid pasitma. Vabandan. Rinnahoidja ostsin lindexist kunagi maksis umbes 49.- ...jepp odav leid aga hea leid. Kõrvarõngad samuti lindexist 49.-. Suure kiviga sõrmus Stradivarius 39.- ja kivikestega sõrmuse tegin ise vanast prossist. Jah ma tean mu tekst on täis hulganisti kirjavigu ja sõnakorduseid ja ma kirjutan sõnu kokku lahku nii kuis tuju aga mul on mega uni . Nii, et lav ya ool!
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